What We Do

Beverley has a multi-faceted cultural offer with a tradition of annual festivals across a diverse range of venues including live arts and performance, visual arts, craftspeople, and heritage buildings.

A Beverley Cultural Network has formed to connect partners in these local culture and tourism sectors.

A feasibility study to explore options for supporting culture in Beverley was produced in 2023 and provided the impetus for the development of a network. The study identified common challenges experienced by many cultural providers and outlined a series of opportunities and themed recommendations to better support culture in Beverley. 

Following the study, a grant was secured to recruit a network coordinator to engage with stakeholders in the cultural sector and create digital resources to develop the concept. This project has been funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The research undertaken has enabled the Network to set the following early objectives:

  • Build capacity for local cultural organisations and groups.
  • Coordinated programming and promotion of the local cultural and events offer.
  • Networking with the wider creative and tourism sector.
  • Navigate the funding landscape and be funding ready.
  • Champion the strategic contribution of cultural activity in Beverley with regional bodies.

A formal structure for the Beverley Cultural Network will now be established and a collaborative forward plan developed and agreed.

Membership Benefits

The network is a platform for organisations to share resources and work collaboratively to help your organisation to grow and be stronger.

Membership benefits of joining the Beverley Cultural Network include:

  • Regular opportunities to network with likeminded organisations who have the same aim of providing quality cultural events and activities in Beverley.
  • Work with other organisations to develop your existing events and take them to the next level through collaboration.
  • Share resources between organisations to reduce costs for individuals.
  • Work together to offer training opportunities to young people to encourage sector growth.
  • Increase interest in events through shared marketing and utilise existing channels of promoting events.
  • Boost ticket sales and revenue by expanding your reach to new customers.
  • Be a part of a cultural brand for Beverley, at the forefront of boosting the town’s reach as a hotspot for cultural activity.
  • Take advantage of training opportunities for staff and volunteers via network meetings.
  • Access funding opportunities as a collective and individually to gain knowledge about funding that you can apply to your organisation.
  • Share experiences with one another for the benefit of the sector.
  • Be part of a network with a voice at a regional level in shaping cultural policy, strategy, and funding.

The list of benefits is extensive, but this is not definitive, as the Network grows it is inevitable that additional benefits will emerge from organisation participation.

Are you interested in joining the Beverley Cultural Network? If so, please click here to complete our application form now…